Friday Night Hafla Information
Saturday Gala Show
Love is a dream|Love is a nightmare
Please fill out the form below letting us know some information about you and the piece you would like to contribute to our show! While we will try our best to get as many people into the show as possible, time is limited. There are a few things that will help you move to the top of the list. Please consider the following:
CHOOSE YOUR SIDE: Is love a dream or a nightmare in your piece? We encourage a strong vision of either a dream or a nightmare aspect of love.
Don't forget: Love is more than just romantic love!
Create a storyline OR use a song about love. Either will be considered!
While the show will mostly be polarized to either Nightmare or Dream, there is room for more complicated ideals where the two can mix.
People tend to lean to the nightmare side, which is awesome! But if you are on the fence, then you may want to head to the dream side!
STYLES: While our teacher for this event is gothic fusion, ALL styles of belly dance are welcome and encouraged! We love all the belly dancing and would love to have a well rounded show!
The first half of the show will be rated PG. The second half of the show will be PG-13. So you don't have to limit your song selection or subject matter. Space is limited!
ATTENDANCE REQUIREMENTS: Performers must be signed up for at least one workshop with Ariellah. If you are chosen to perform, you will be given a 10% discount on your class fees and will not be required to purchase a ticket for the Love is a Dream Show.
As dancers, we understand that your artistic vision or song choice may change as you develop your work for the show! You are not permanently tied to what you put in the application, but please keep us updated on changes so we can properly assess where your number should go in the show. (See hard deadlines below.)
Friday Hafla: Love is...
The Friday Night hafla is designed as a night of networking, socializing and open dancing. We also want to provide a few performance opportunities for new performers in a friendly and encouraging environment! If you are a student/novice performer, please fill out the form below if you are interested in performing at the Friday Night Hafla. Space is limited and will be first come first serve. All are welcome to attend with a positive outlook and an attitude ready for fun!
Please keep song selections and subject matter to a PG rating.
IF you want to play with the theme of "LOVE is..." that is wonderful! However, any submissions will be considered from new performers! We just want you to have an opportunity to show your stuff!
STYLES: While our teacher for this event is gothic fusion, ALL styles of belly dance are welcome and encouraged! We love all the belly dancing and would love to have a well rounded show!
ATTENDANCE REQUIREMENTS: Performers must be signed up for at least one workshop with Ariellah. If you are chosen to perform, you will be given a 10% discount on your class fees and will not be required to purchase a ticket for the Friday Hafla.
As dancers, we understand that your artistic vision or song choice may change as you develop your work for the show! You are not permanently tied to what you put in the application, but please keep us updated on changes so we can properly assess where your number should go in the show. (See hard deadlines below.)
Please send music to liz@ limelightliz.com by April 10, 2020.
Limit pieces to 6 minutes.
PROGRAM: We will be making a 'zine style program. We will start putting it together in January. The sooner we get your info, the better since everything is handmade.
Please get us the following info for your piece asap, but no later than April 1, 2020. This info will be listed in the program.
Your Name or your Troupe Name (and name of all troupe members as they would like it listed in the program.
a website (optional)
Title of your Piece (optional)
A description of your piece.
A very short bio/anything else that you want to say.
TECH: We will have a tech person on the night of the show. You can request simple lighting cues. As we get closer to show night, there will be more information if a tech rehearsal time will be available.
THEATER: We are excited to be at the District Theater on MassAve! (627 Massachusetts Ave. Indianapolis, IN.)
120 seats
Performance area: 20 feet deep and 48 feet wide.
GREENROOM: There is a nice green room available at the theater. It will open at 6 for anyone who needs to get ready at the theater.
PARKING: The theater is on Massachusetts Avenue which has lots of popular bars and restaurants. There is lots of parking on the street but it can fill up especially as the evening hours approach. Plan to spend time finding a spot and walking to the theater. OR you can always Uber, Lyft, or Taxi.
QUESTIONS? email Liz liz@ limelightliz.com